
The drugValidator is an ATL COM module which provides methods to validate the price of SL pharmaceuticals ("Spezialitätenliste") against maximal allowed prices as published by BSV/OFAS.

As the name "drugValidator" might imply, the validator has query and validation services for all pharmaceuticals applicable in Switzerland. Due to copyright reasons drugValidator is a validator capable of validating the pharmaceuticals of the SL list ("Spezialitätenliste") only. There is no query interface available, and the sole purpose of this validator is to check the prices of the SL drugs inside the invoice request modules.

As of 1st of January 2015 the BAG does no longer support the pharmaCode. Consequently, the drugValidator can no longer support pharmaCodes as well, since the drugValidator database is based upon the BAG list of SL pharmaceuticals. All inputted pharmaCodes are thus no longer recognized even for validation dates less than the 1st of January 2015.

Please also have a look at the Important Documents that serves as a jump start and might effect the ease of the implementation.

Keyfacts at a glance

Last update:  Friday, 28 June 2024 - 11:07:01
Module version/date:  1.00.012 4 Jun 2024
Interface version/date:  1.00 22 Nov 2004
DB version/date: 3.53 28 Jun 2024
Covering: Tariff 402: SL pharmaceutical list
Coverage of SL pharmaceuticals by unique codes
    swissmedicCode     gtinCode  
  Coverage:  99% (10160/10186) 99% (10114/10186)
  List of non-covered SL pharmaceuticals due to a non-unique/absent code

Tariff browser for SL ("Spezialitätenliste") catalog

The online SL tariff browser allows you to browse, view, and check the tariff positions of the "Spezialitätenliste". The drugValidator internally uses excactly this tariff on one of the given languages for its query and validating services.

Date Language Description
28.06.24 German V3.53: View tariff browser with SL list
    V3.53: Download tariff browser .CHM file ( 5.56MB)
28.06.24 French V3.53: View tariff browser with SL list
    V3.53: Download tariff browser .CHM file ( 5.66MB)
28.06.24 Italian V3.53: View tariff browser with SL list tariff
    V3.53: Download tariff browser .CHM file ( 5.55MB)

API browser

The online documentation browser allows you to browse, view, and check the various interfaces, methods und properties of the Dll. Please note, that this documentation is included in the full installer in form of a .CHM file.

Date Time API version
08.03.22 09:56:01 V1.00: View API browser
08.03.22 09:56:01 V1.00: Download API browser .CHM file

Download area for drugValidator related files

Important note: the "Microsoft Jet OLE DB Provider" while a neccessary part of the drugValidator dll is not part of any installer! If you have not installed the "Jet OLE DB Provider" driver yet then go to the Microsoft Support Center to download the neccessary file.

Date Version Description
28.06.24 1.00.012 drugValidator installer with a new SL database for 1.7.24
Download drugValidator installer (32.6 MB)
show older builds ...
Parameters for a silent install / uninstall