Very important remark about the drugValidator!!

As the name "drugValidator" might imply, the validator has query and validation services for all pharmaceuticals applicable in Switzerland. This was indeed intended but due to various reasons the implementation did not end this way.

  • Only drug from the "Spezialitätenliste" included
    Since e-mediate as copyright holder of the GalDat database is not willing to give away a basic set of data for free the drugValidator was redesigned to just validate the maximal public prices as given by the BSV/OFAS. The data source for that "reduced" validator is the "Spezialitätenliste"
  • History of prices
    Since we do not have the past prices of the SL drugs the current situation (1. april 2002) is the price basis! From now on changes in pricing will be covered by the drug database. The first date of entry if given by the "Spezialitätenliste" serves as starting date in the price history list. If not supplied by SL 1. jan. 1990 is set!
  • Size of SL - pharma codes
    Since we have no data about the former size of the "Spezialitätenliste" drug included in older lists are therefore not covered in the drug validator.

    Due to the XML schema files of the electronic invoice the drug are referenced either by the pharma codes (as given by e-mediate) or by the EAN-13 codes! However, the current "Spezialitätenliste" does include some drugs without a pharma code. These drugs have been dropped in the drugValidator database. A request for defining pharma codes for these drug is underway.

  • Validation service
    Due to all these short comings the price validation is only applied to drugs that are included in the current "Spezialitätenliste" and further have an official pharma code!

    If a given drug can not be localized in the database, the data is accepted by the validator unaltered, and the validation gives back an OK.