API browser of hospitalMCDRequest451 COM module

/images/arrow_right.png generationAttributes enumeration type
List of options with which the standard generation of the XML infoset and/or print process can be oversteered. space
Set of enumeration values 5 elements
enGenerateXMLWithoutDocuments: 65536 The XML infoset is generated without any documents even if such documents have been added in the IHospitalMCDRequest::AddDocument method.
enGenerateXMLWithoutSignature: 131072 The XML infoset is generated without applying a signature even if the signature parameters have been set in the IHospitalMCDRequest::SetTransport method.
enGenerateXMLWithoutEncryption: 262144 The XML infoset is generated without applying encryption even if the encryption parameters have been set in the IHospitalMCDRequest::SetTransport method.
enGenerateDowngradeToV440: 1048576 The XML infoset or print output of type hospitalMCDRequest440 is generated (downgraded) instead of the standard type hospitalMCDRequest451. This explicitly implies that any data unusable for the downgraded standard is silently discarded.
enGenerateDowngradeToV450: 2097152 The XML infoset or print output of type hospitalMCDRequest450 is generated (downgraded) instead of the standard type hospitalMCDRequest451. This explicitly implies that any data unusable for the downgraded standard is silently discarded.