API browser of hospitalMCDRequest451 COM module

/images/arrow_right.png IHospitalMCDRequest::SetRequest method
Defines the processing parameters, namely the "storno" and "copy" status besides an optional remark.

Note, that whenever the "storno" and/or "copy" parameters are set then the timestamp of the original MCD object reference (SetMCD) must be defined that is the timestamp > 0 otherwise an error will result in the Finalize method.

/images/arrow_right.png C/C++ calling syntax
HRESULT SetRequest( YesNoType
/images/arrow_right.png Calling argument description
[in] YesNoType eIsStorno Boolean value that defines the "storno" status of the MCD.

eIsStorno should be false when the initial MCD is produced. At this step the MCD timestamp is generated and returned from the IHospitalMCDRequestManager::Print and/or IHospitalMCDRequestManager::GetXML method. Whenever eIsStorno is true then the MCD timestamp must be set otherwise an error will result.

[in] YesNoType eIsCopy Boolean value that defines the "copy" status of the MCD.

eIsCopy should be false when the initial MCD is produced. At this step the MCD timestamp is generated and returned from the IHospitalMCDRequestManager::Print and/or IHospitalMCDRequestManager::GetXML method. Whenever eIsCopy is true then the MCD timestamp must be set otherwise an error will result.

[in] YesNoType eIsConfidential Boolean flag that defines the confidentiality status of a MCD when addressed and transmitted to a consulting physician (CE) at the insurance's site in accordance with Article 42 (5) of the Swiss Federal Act on Health Insurance (KVG).

By using the flag in the aforementioned case, the health provider declares that all medical information must be seen and used exclusively by the CE. Therefore, the case qualifies according to Article 42 (5) KVG.

[in] BSTR bstrRemark An optional remark for MCD.
[out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbStatus Return status of the method. If pbStatus is VARIANT_FALSE then an error occurred and GetAbortInfo should be called to retrieve the error string.
/images/arrow_right.png C/C++ return value
S_OK This value is returned if the function call was successful or if the return value of a boolean method signalling a true value. In this case the VARIANT_BOOL is set to VARIANT_TRUE.
S_FALSE This is the return value of a boolean method signalling a false return value. In this case the VARIANT_BOOL is set to VARIANT_FALSE.
E_name This value is returned if the function call was unsuccessful and an error exception was generated. Note that if you are using SmartPointers an exception is thrown under these conditions.