API browser of generalCreditResponse450 COM module

/images/arrow_right.png IAddress interface V4.50/ 1 Nov 2019 
With the IAddress interface structured address data can be retrieved once loaded with the IGeneralCreditResponseManager::LoadXML method.

The different structured parts of an address like the naming and postal address parts or online information like phone, fax, email and the like are retrieved by calling the appropriate methods e.g. GetPerson or GetPostal. Since there are 2 different address types -an address for a natural person and the address of a legal person- the GetType property can be consulted to retrieve the type.

/images/arrow_right.png Methods 16 methods
AddPhone Adds a structured phone number
GetAbortInfo Gets the abort information string with the error coded in the module language
GetCompany Retrieves the company's naming part of the address
GetFax Retrieves the structured fax number
GetFirstPhone Retrieves the first phone number information
GetNextPhone Retrieves the next phone number information
GetOnline Retrieves the structured online part of the address
GetPerson Retrieves the person's naming part of the address
GetPhones Method for collecting all phone numbers covered by the address and returned as JSON array
GetPostal Retrieves the structured postal address part of the address.
Initialize Initializes all address variables
SetCompany Sets the company's naming part of the address
SetFax Sets a structured fax number
SetOnline Sets the structured online part of the address.
SetPerson Sets the person's naming part of the address
SetPostal Sets the structured postal address part
/images/arrow_right.png Properties 2 properties
[put] DestructAddress Destructs/invalidates this IAddress interface instance.
[get] Type GetType returns the type of address either enAddressPerson or enAddressCompany if an address is defined at all